Xjw csaSurvivors
JoinedPosts by Xjw csaSurvivors
Tasmania’s Government agrees to reform sexual abuse gag law by end of year
by Xjw csaSurvivors inhttps://www.news.com.au/national/courts-law/tasmanias-government-agrees-to-reform-sexual-abuse-gag-law-by-end-of-year/news-story/40669f3504f182d1424af892c042cee0.
Tasmania’s Government agrees to reform sexual abuse gag law by end of year
by Xjw csaSurvivors inhttps://www.news.com.au/national/courts-law/tasmanias-government-agrees-to-reform-sexual-abuse-gag-law-by-end-of-year/news-story/40669f3504f182d1424af892c042cee0.
Conversation with founder of avoidJW.org
by Xjw csaSurvivors inhttps://youtu.be/poaczsrvh6g.
video description :.
published on 19 aug 2019. this was ment to be a interviuw with uber apostate jason wynne about our activism.
Xjw csaSurvivors
This was fully addressed in the video and the exjw reddit link, which also contains further news links about what is happening in Norway.
"2,450 at a convention. Look at the empty seats . Tx...Frisco"
by Xjw csaSurvivors in.
source :.
Xjw csaSurvivors
Yeah that's what I thought.
Plus, look at the 5 sitting at the white table, bottom left...I don't know, I'm not the source.
Also, there was only just recently an international convention in Houston...
Either way, a picture paints a thousand words.
And this picture says what is going on, and will continue to exponentially, worldwide 👍
We're in the end game now.
Looking like this...from 08:05
"2,450 at a convention. Look at the empty seats . Tx...Frisco"
by Xjw csaSurvivors in.
source :.
Conversation with founder of avoidJW.org
by Xjw csaSurvivors inhttps://youtu.be/poaczsrvh6g.
video description :.
published on 19 aug 2019. this was ment to be a interviuw with uber apostate jason wynne about our activism.
Xjw csaSurvivors
Regarding Norway...
From https://www.reddit.com/r/exjw/comments/cr2txt/members_of_parliament_in_norway_from_all_parties/ :
Google translate of today's development:
-Remove the state aid for Jehovah's Witnesses
MDG (Green Party) believes Prime Minister Kjell Ingolf Ropstad has only one choice: -Remove state aid from Jehovah's Witnesses. Ap (Labour Party) thinks he should have taken hold of the religious community a long time ago.
Vårt Land revealed last week that members of Jehovah's Witnesses can be expelled from the faith community if they vote in elections. Kjell Ingolf Ropstad (KrF), who is in charge of the Solberg government's belief and life policy, went out saying that voting rights for Jehovah's Witnesses could be the basis for withdrawing state aid.
At the Storting (parliament), the parties look differently at what reactions the religious community should meet with.
The clearest
MDG says it clear. The party believes the practice revealed must have serious consequences for Jehovah's Witnesses, spokesman Arild Hermstad said.
«Should Ropstad Withdraw State Aid When Religious Communities Urge Members Not to Participate in Democratic Elections?»
-«Yes. It is not acceptable for religious communities to put pressure, ban, or punish those who choose to vote. It is an obvious violation of human rights and a violation of Norwegian law. If they do not change practices, we believe they should not receive state aid,» says Hermstad.
The point of view is far supported by Rødt («Red»). Vice President Silje Kjosbakken says they "are looking into the possibility of depriving Jehovah's Witnesses support":
-«We will not ban religious communities that ask members not to exercise their voting rights, but we see no reason to give them public support either.»
Kari Henriksen in the Labour Party believes that Ropstad as Minister of Religion should have addressed this earlier.
«I'm a little surprised that Ropstad didn't know about the practice of Jehovah's Witnesses. It is known that they will not vote, but perhaps less well known what the consequences it will have for members who choose to vote,» says Henriksen, who is a member of the the cultural and family committee in the parliament.
«Ropstad should be invited to dialogue with Jehovah's Witnesses before threatening to deprive the state aid,» says Henriksen.
She believes that state aid should be an active tool for engaging in dialogue with closed faith communities.
«Today, the state would rather report after the aid has been distributed. Now that this has happened, Ropstad should have invited Jehovah's Witnesses to dialogue, stating clearly where the boundaries of the larger community are going.»
SV's Freddy Øvstegård sits on the same committee as Henriksen.
«When I was younger, I knew several Jehovah's Witnesses who were politically interested but had to hide this. Therefore, they were secret members of youth parties. This was talked about in the Christian environment, so I'm quite surprised that the reactions from Ropstad are only coming now,» says Øvstegård.
He believes that Jehovah's Witnesses are not alone in having a problematic religious practice.
-«We have to be consistent in the treatment of human rights violations in several faiths. Norway must become better at cracking down on all forms of social control across religious groups.»
«Do you think it was right for Ropstad to threaten to wothdraw the state aid?»
«Yes, certainly given that they deny their members the right to vote. This is serious, and it is only now that we see this kind of abuse so clearly.»
The Center Party (SP) spokeswoman - and member of the same committee, Åslaug Sem-Jacobsen, says that the party "has noted that the Minister of Religion is now addressing the matter and will discuss it with the concerned county people":
«We hope it does not take too long and will listen to the government's assessments as they come.»
The ruling parties are careful to comment on the possibility of state aid cuts for Jehovah's Witnesses. But KrF's parliamentary representative Jorunn Gleditsch Lossius says she "responds":
«If it is true that members of Jehovah's Witnesses can be excluded and excluded if they use the right to vote, I react strongly to this.»
«Should state aid be withdrawn when religious communities urge members not to participate in democratic elections?»
«The prime minister has now asked the individual county council to assess whether there have been violations of democratic rights and principles. And there will always be a delicate balance towards upholding freedom of belief.»
Kristin Ørmen Johnsen (H), chair of the Storting's Family and Cultural Committee, has one comment:
«It is a fundamental right to be able to vote in elections, and it is unacceptable if someone is prevented from using their right to vote.»
Left-wing faith and life-spokesperson Grunde Almeland says voting "one of the most fundamental rights of Norwegian citizens":
«If authorities threaten individuals using this fundamental right with sanctions, it is, as I feel it, an abuse of power.»
The Progressive Party (FrP), as the only government party, is clear that they do not want to distribute state aid to any religious community.
«I think the matter gets extra serious when religion is used as an anti-democratic press», says Frps representative in the Family and Culture Committee, Morten Wold, and add:
«Faith is a private matter. Once we have public support for communities of faith and beliefs, it is absolutely essential that they do not undermine democracy and violate fundamental human rights.»
Conversation with founder of avoidJW.org
by Xjw csaSurvivors inhttps://youtu.be/poaczsrvh6g.
video description :.
published on 19 aug 2019. this was ment to be a interviuw with uber apostate jason wynne about our activism.
Xjw csaSurvivors
Video description :
Published on 19 Aug 2019This was ment to be a interviuw with uber apostate Jason Wynne about our activism. I am really sorry I did most of the talking myself. 🙄. I hope to meet him again and be a real interviuw. (i am still learning)
Hitting the fan: CD epidemic at my Hall
by neat blue dog inyesterday my congregation met for field service and the elder taking the lead did something not so smart: he brought up the child abuse situation and the recent news articles hitting local news across the country.
he said 'you can see that the persecution is really coming' and that we should be ready if someone complains about it at the door.
(funny how it's persecution when it's us and righteous judgment when it happens to the other churches.
Xjw csaSurvivors
"the Catholic Church claims the child abuse cases are Christian persecution, too"
Great idea!
Here's a reference :
"Pope Decries ‘Persecution’ of Catholic Church Through Accusations
Addressing the closing session of a synod of bishops at the Vatican on Saturday, the pope repeated warnings he has made in recent weeks against the “Great Accuser,” or the devil, who “in this moment is accusing us strongly, and this accusation becomes persecution,” and who seeks to “soil the church.”
Blondie's Comments (July 14 2019) Child Sexual Abuse Congregation Policies
by blondie inlove justice wickedness ((7-14-2019) may 2019 article comments from blondie.
(ask yourself if you were able to read this article).
does wt justice outweigh christian love?
Xjw csaSurvivors
Paragraph 16 Footnote ~ click the * at :
"If at least two people—the one making the accusation and someone else who can verify this act or other acts of child abuse by the accused—establish the charge, a judicial committee is formed. *
Footnote :
"A child is never required to confront an alleged abuser. A parent or another trusted confidant may advise the elders of the allegation without exposing the child to further emotional harm."
And, for a real footnote as to why and how their change of policy came about :
"Jehovah’s Witnesses criticised over handling of child abuse case
UK Charity Commission says victims in Manchester New Moston congregation were ‘badly let down’ by trustees"
" The charity had improved its policies on child safeguarding since the investigation was launched, and victims are no longer forced to recount allegations in front of their abuser, the commission said, welcoming the change.
Kathleen Hallisey, a senior solicitor at Bolt Burdon Kemp, who represents several victims of alleged abuse by members of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, said: “It’s really concerning, to be complimentary, when they have produced a five-page safeguarding policy which certainly isn’t in line with current safeguarding.”
See also :
BBC Radio 4 :
Hitting the fan: CD epidemic at my Hall
by neat blue dog inyesterday my congregation met for field service and the elder taking the lead did something not so smart: he brought up the child abuse situation and the recent news articles hitting local news across the country.
he said 'you can see that the persecution is really coming' and that we should be ready if someone complains about it at the door.
(funny how it's persecution when it's us and righteous judgment when it happens to the other churches.
Xjw csaSurvivors
Thanks for the report 👍
Everything the Watchtower does backfires